Table of Contents
Since our beginnings as a skin clinic in 2006, we have matured to become Kuwait’s leading Anti-Aging skin care as well as Dental. Medspa Service provider. We realize that your Anti-aging, cosmetic makeover and beauty encompasses the entire spectrum of your social life so we remain sensitive and understanding to your needs for a pleasant experience along with impeccable service. ↔️
That is why we have assembled a team of professional Dermatologist, Dentist ,Nurses, Spa therapist , Beauticians, non medical staff armed with the resources and leading edge technology to provide comprehensive skin care an dental , Med spa programs .
Thank you for choosing Alhasawi clinic
We are seeking qualified medical professionals to join our team in the following specialties:
- Dentist
- ENT Specialist
- Endocrinologist
- General Surgeon
- Gynecologist
- Nutritionist
- Orthopedic Specialist
- Ophthalmologist
- Urologist
+96566943940 اتصل بنا.
نبحث عن أطباء متخصصين للانضمام إلى فريقنا في التخصصات التالية:
- طبيب أسنان
- أخصائي أنف وأذن وحنجرة
- أخصائي غدد صماء
- جراح عام
- طبيبة نساء وولادة
- أخصائي تغذية
- أخصائي عظام
- أخصائي عيون
- أخصائي مسالك بولية
للتقديم أو الاستفسار، يرجى التواصل على:
+96566943940 اتصل بنا.